About me

Ideas that make
you feel things

I’ve been working in advertising and media for over 10 years, originally training in journalism and publishing my first book when I was 23.

I’ve made documentaries with Academy Award-winning directors, launched magazines from hot air balloons over the Blue Mountains and even helped start-ups incubate their business plans from the Santa Diego harbour. It hasn’t been linear, and I’ve been lucky to let this eclectic experience guide the way I work creatively and collaborate without an ego.

I can direct voices, concept campaigns, develop strategies, investigate cultural trends, second shoot next to photographers, run workshops and write in just about every content form invented.

As well as traditional ad copywriting, I podcast, write editorial pieces and packaging, contribute to newsletters and even when spare time permits, pick up a film camera or two. I’ve worked in both media and creative agencies, giving me this niche experience of knowing both sides of the fence.

I’ve spent my career chasing opportunities over awards, with the intention to learn as much about as much as possible, and build a reputation of being wonderful to work with.

I really love working on positive behaviour change projects, millennial and gen z-centric ideas, and generally anything that plays with how humans use technology.

Woosh — enough about me — let’s talk about your next project. Sounds fun.